Monica d’arcangelis – data analyst
Monica D’Arcangelis is the data analyst of isIMPACT.
Outside isIMPACT, she worked as statistics expert and data analyst for national authorities, NGOS, research centres and leading IT Companies as ENGINEERING SPA. Her 12 years- work experience is focused on data collection, analysis, integration and reporting in the specific field of anti-discrimination, human rights and social inclusion issues, with specific regard to national projects carried by the The Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers and its Equality body (UNAR). She worked in a engineering project for the Italian chamber of Deputies. She serves as data analysis independent expert on social policy for many important research centres like IFEL - the national Research Institute for Local Finance of the National Association of Italian Municipalities - and the Economic and Statistics Institute “ G.Tagliacarne”.
Education: Monica has a Master degree in “Statistics and IT in the corporate strategies and policies”, a Bachelor degree in “Statistics, population and social research and a University post-graduated Master in “Data Analysis”.