near - Youth Network Against racial discrimination (2013-2014)
Youth social engagement
Participating Organizations: UNAR, Youth Card Association, Generazioni Moderne Association, Rete Near Association
Action: a radically new social network made by young people, associations, migrants and non migrants, to raise awareness against racism and discrimination. The social network acted both on line and in the real life by organizing hundreds of local micro and macro initiatives, campaigns, cultural events, contests, meetings, with the involvement of schools, cities, community centers and common people in the streets.
Challenge: to promote effective intercultural dialogue, to combat stereotypes and racial discrimination by involving young people using their language, communication channels and social habits. To include those groups of young and vulnerable people who are not already included in social engagement practices.
To promote active engagement through co-design and co-management of the initiatives by the target groups.
Inclusive social impact engendered: higher social cohesion and sense of common citizenship and belonging among youth (migrants and non migrants); decrease of stereotypes and prejudices among participants; higher sense of confidence in one’s capacities as a community; increase of positive expectations about the future
Methodology: peer social engagement and communication, inclusive co-design of the interventions and participatory impact assessment